

本文介绍了缺少Visual Studio SQL Server设计和内联编辑功能的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在Visual Studio 2012中,我在服务器资源管理器中配置了两个数据库连接。一个用于SQL Server 2008 R2数据库,另一个用于SQL Server 2012数据库。通过右键单击表并选择显示表数据,我一直能够使用SQL 2008数据库对数据进行快速内联编辑。

In Visual Studio 2012 I have two database connections configured in the Server Explorer. One is for a SQL Server 2008 R2 database, the other is for a SQL Server 2012 database. I've always been able to make quick inline edits to the data with SQL 2008 databases by right clicking on the table and selecting "Show Table Data".


I could then pop open the SQL pane and query the data, put a cursor directly in the field and edit the data in the result set. I relied on this method heavily when making quick edits to the data without the need to script.

似乎此选项不适用于SQL Server 2012连接。当我尝试做同样的事情时,它似乎在SQL Server数据库工具(SSDT)的上下文中打开。我将看到1000条记录的初始结果集,但与SQL 2008不同,通过选择和覆盖结果集中的值,无法通过简单的方式运行更精确的SELECT查询和内联编辑数据。下面的屏幕截图是我可以通过直接打开新查询窗口获得的最接近的屏幕截图,但仍无法内联编辑结果。

It seems this option is not available for SQL Server 2012 connections. When I try to do the same it seems to open in the context of SQL Server Database Tools (SSDT). I will see an initial result set of 1000 records but unlike SQL 2008 no way simple way to run a more precise SELECT query and edit data inline by selecting and overwriting values in the result set. The screenshot below is the closest I can get by directly opening the new query window, but still no way to inline edit the results.

是否可以让2012数据库运行起来喜欢Visual Studio中的2008数据库?我是否错过了SQL 2012安装中阻止此行为的组件?或者微软将这些功能拉走了?我非常希望得到内联编辑,我不想写UPDATE查询来纠正单行数据,它更慢而且风险更大......如果一个条款无意中错过了它可能最终破坏大量数据?

Is it possible to get the 2012 database to behave like the 2008 database in Visual Studio? Did I miss a component on the installation of SQL 2012 that is preventing this behaviour? Or has Microsofts pulled these features away? I desperately want to get inline editing back, I don't want to have to write UPDATE queries to correct single lines of data, it's slower and it seems riskier.. if a clause is inadvertently missed it could end up corrupting a lot of data?


Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


首先,清除设置中的查询限制。这是在工具菜单,然后是选项,并滚动到SQL Server对象资源管理器和命令

First, clear the query limits in the settings. This is under Tools menu, then Options, and scroll to "SQL Server Object Explorer" and "Commands"


Then, right click the table and click "Edit All Rows"


Then show the SQL pane and you can then edit the query. It is the icon that has the letters SQL in a square background. Not the icon with SQL on top of a cylinder.


I'd post pictures, but I don't have enough points, ridiculously. So sorry me. Message me if you want them.

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08-31 03:53