本文介绍了如何在Django Bootstrap中每行显示2个span6缩略图?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想每行显示2个缩略图。仅使用多行对其进行硬编码,并且每行具有2个 span6 div是非常琐碎的。但是我如何在Django中使用模板for循环来做到这一点?

I would like to display 2 thumbnails per row. It would be pretty trivial to just hard-code it using multiple rows and each row has 2 span6 div's. But how would I do this in Django using a template for-loop?


{% for image in images %}
  <div class="row">
    <div class="span6">*image goes here*</div>
    <div class="span6">*image goes here*</div>
{% endfor %}

// repeat for all items in the list, with 2 images per row

因此,在 span6 以上的代码中,应在每次循环迭代时创建,但应该仅每2次迭代创建一次。

So, in the code above span6 should be created on every loop iteration, but the row should be created only every 2 iterations.

更新:我能够跨越所有单个行中的span6 元素。我遇到了缩略图无法正确对齐(行之间的空白)的问题。将所有缩略图设置为统一的高度可以解决此问题。但是Hedde的解决方案看起来也很不错,尽管它涉及在Python方面进行更改。

update: I was able to span all my span6 elements inside a single row. I encountered an issue where thumbnails wouldn't align properly (empty spaces between rows). Setting all thumbnails to a uniform height fixed the problem. But Hedde's solution looks pretty good too, although that involves changing things on the Python side.



Well it could be done by css only, but if you want to use the provided grid, you could create a generator and use it on your view's queryset or directly in a template by using a tag, e.g.

def grouped(l, n):
    # Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.
    for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
        yield l[i:i+n]



def group_by(value, arg):
    return grouped(value, arg)


{% for group in objects|group_by:2 %}
    <div class="row">
        {% for obj in group %}
            <div class="span6">
        {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

这篇关于如何在Django Bootstrap中每行显示2个span6缩略图?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-31 03:10