



在大多数项目中,我注意到,在XAML编辑器中,窗口显示在左上角之外.这意味着您看不到必要的窗口,我估计设计"屏幕的一半是灰色和白色的背景 否则您必须一遍又一遍地使用滚动条.

In most projects I have I notice is that in the XAML editor, the window is displayed way out of the upper left corner. This means that you see less of your window than necessary, I estimate half of the Design screen is the grey and white blocked background or you have to use the scrollbars over and over.


It is possible to select all and drag the content of the window to that corner but not the window itself.

有没有一种方法可以迫使Visual Studio利用整个屏幕?

Is there a way force Visual Studio to utilize the whole screen?




当我们创建像WPF这样的新项目时,我们发现MainWindow屏幕是中心是XAML编辑器窗口的功能,这是设计使然.据我所知,我们无法移动此屏幕 或将其设置在左上角的旁边,对于当前情况,我们可以使用垂直/水平滚动条查看该屏幕当前显示区域之外的某些区域.您也可以尝试右键单击此屏幕,选择全部布局"或更改 缩放字段的下拉列表中的尺寸百分比,如以下屏幕截图所示:

When we create a new project like WPF, we can found the MainWindow screen is the center of the XAML editor window, it is by design. As far as I know, we cannot move this screen or setting it to next to the upper left corner, for current condition, we can use the vertical/horizontal scroll bar to see some area of this screen that outside the current display. You can also try to right click this screen, choose Layout-Fill All or change the size percentage from the dropdown list of the Zoom field as the following screenshot:

同时,我发现我们是否使用Blend for Visual Studio 2015来检查此布局,它也不能手动移动,但是我们可以将鼠标中间的滚动条滚动到 放大或缩小MainWindow屏幕,这可以帮助我们检查显示.由于Visual Studio 2015的Blend对于项目的UI和设计更加方便和强大,因此也许您可以考虑使用该版本进行开发,谢谢您的参与 理解.

Meanwhile, I found if we used the Blend for Visual Studio 2015 to check this layout, it is also cannot move manually, but we can roll the scrollbar in the middle of our mouse to zoom in or out the MainWindow screen, that can help us to check the display. Since the Blend of Visual Studio 2015 is more convenient and powerful for the UI and design of project, maybe you can think about use the version to development, thank you for your understanding.

对于您的想法,我已经向Visual Studio产品团队报告过,看看这个:https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio-ide/suggestions/17235731-cannot-move-mainwindow-screen-to-the-upper-left-co ,您可以投票,那么我们需要等待VS产品团队工程师的回应和反馈,谢谢 您的建议.

For your idea, I have already reported it to the Visual Studio Product Team, please have a look at this:https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio-ide/suggestions/17235731-cannot-move-mainwindow-screen-to-the-upper-left-co and you can vote it, then we need to wait for the response and feedback form the VS product team engineers, thank you for your suggestion.




08-31 03:20