我正在使用 OpenGL ES 2.0 开发 Android 应用.它由覆盖在 3D 场景上的 2D HUD 组成.3D 部分一切正常,但我无法弄清楚在 2D 中绘制时如何将原点定位在屏幕的左上角(y 轴朝下).现在我的原点在屏幕的中心,我只是在绘制时从坐标中减去宽度和高度的一半.(我知道这是一个笨拙的解决方案,我想解决这个问题!)
I'm developing an Android app with OpenGL ES 2.0. It consists of a 2D HUD overlaid on a 3D scene. Everything is fine with the 3D part, but I cannot figure out how to position the origin at the top-left corner of the screen (with the y-axis pointing down) when drawing in 2D. Right now I have the origin at the center of the screen and I am just subtracting half the width and height from the coordinates as I draw. (I know this is a hacky solution and I want to fix this!)
GLES20.glViewport(0, 0, surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight);
Matrix.orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0, -width / 2, width / 2, height / 2, -height / 2, -1, 1);
Matrix.setLookAtM(viewMatrix, 0, 0, 0, 2f, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
Matrix.multiplyMM(mvpMatrix, 0, projectionMatrix, 0, viewMatrix, 0);
private final static String vertexShaderCode =
"uniform mat4 uMVPMatrix;" +
"attribute vec2 aTexCoordinate;" +
"varying vec2 vTexCoordinate;" +
"attribute vec4 aPosition;" +
"attribute vec4 aColor;" +
"varying vec4 vColor;" +
"void main() {" +
" vColor = aColor;" +
" vTexCoordinate = aTexCoordinate;" +
" gl_Position = aPosition * uMVPMatrix;" +
private final static String fragmentShaderCode =
"precision mediump float;" +
"uniform sampler2D uTexture;" +
"varying vec2 vTexCoordinate;" +
"varying vec4 vColor;" +
"void main() {" +
" gl_FragColor = vColor * texture2D(uTexture, vTexCoordinate);" +
I have tried using this line instead:
Matrix.orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0, 0, width, height, 0, -1, 1);
I have tried positioning the origin at the bottom-left, not the top-left (I shouldn't be doing this but I tried anyway).
我尝试在顶点着色器的倒数第二行中切换 aPosition
和 uMVPMatrix
I have tried switching the order of aPosition
and uMVPMatrix
in the second-to-last line of the vertex shader.
这三个更改的组合都不能解决我的问题(2D 对象不渲染).
No combination of these three changes solved the problem for me (the 2D objects do not render).
The other thing I tried was setting the origin to be one pixel off center, then two, then three, etc. The images kept getting skewed the more I moved off center, eventually becoming too thin to be visible -- but that still doesn't tell me how to fix this.
问题又来了:如何在 OpenGL ES 2.0 中将原点定位在左上角?
So again, the question is: how do I position the origin at the top-left in OpenGL ES 2.0?
附言我的合同(第一份工作!)将于 7 月 29 日到期,所以我很快就需要答复;我不想让下一个人像这样的黑客修复.
P.S. My contract (first job!) ends on July 29 so I need an answer pretty soon; I don't want to leave the next people with a hacky fix like this.
在 OpenGL 中不是只有一个 mvpMatrix 的规则.这很好,因为您可以自定义很多视图.
Is not a rule have only one mvpMatrix in OpenGL. It is good because you can customize a lot of views.
如果您的所有应用程序都基于您在此处展示的 mvpMatrix,我建议您为您所要求的提案创建另一个 mvpMatrix:将视图的中心置于左上角.
If all of your application is based in mvpMatrix that you showed here, I recommend you create another mvpMatrix for the proposal that you are asking: Make the center of the view in top-left corner.
So, the answer is simple, lets recreate every matrix. At first, viewMatrix:
Matrix.setLookAtM(viewMatrix, 0,
0, 0, 6, //eye
0, 0, 0, //center
0, 1, 0); //UP *remove your -1
The magic is below. You have to invert bottom and top:
float screenRatio = (float) width / height;
Matrix.orthoM(projectionMatrix, 0,
0, screenRatio, // left, right
1, 0, // bottom, top <----Solution is invert bottom with top
-1, 10); // near, far
viewProjectionMatrix, 0,
projectionMatrix, 0,
viewMatrix, 0);
P.S:不需要改变GLES20.glViewport(0, 0,surfaceWidth,surfaceHeight);
OpenGL 有很多解决这个问题的方法,因为你可以尽可能地处理所有矩阵.
OpenGL have a lot of solution for this problem, because you can handle all matrix as you can.
另一种解决方案是自定义您自己的矩阵,而不使用 Matrix.orthoM(..)
或 Matrix.frustum(..)
Another solution is to customize your own matrix, without using Matrix.orthoM(..)
or Matrix.frustum(..)
public static final float[] topLeftMatrix(int width, int height){
float matrix[] = new float[16];
// This is inverse of viewPort matrix
matrix[0] = 2.0f/width;
matrix[1] = 0;
matrix[2] = 0;
matrix[3] = 0;
matrix[4] = 0;
matrix[5] = -2.0f/height;
matrix[6] = 0;
matrix[7] = 0;
matrix[8] = 0;
matrix[9] = 0;
matrix[10] = 1;
matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[12] = -1;
matrix[13] = 1;
matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
return matrix;
This matrix above is good for handling objects over pixels (like user-interface).
为了充分理解,我建议你阅读这篇文章:3D带有 OpenGL 的图形.它对我理解 opengl 的魔力有很大帮助.
For full understanding, I recommend you read this article: 3D Graphics with OpenGL. It helped me a lot to understand the opengl magic.
P.S:你的着色器有错误.将 matrix4x4 乘以向量 4x1 的正确方法是:
P.S: there is an error in your shader. The correct way to multiply matrix4x4 by a vector 4x1 is:
gl_Position = uMVPMatrix * aPosition;
这篇关于在 OpenGL ES 2 中将原点设置为屏幕的左上角的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!