

我正在为我的应用创建登录页面,并希望以用户无法返回的方式显示主屏幕.在 Swift UI 中,我如何呈现它以便新视图不会以类似卡片的样式呈现?我知道这种呈现风格现在是 iOS 13 的默认样式.

I am creating a sign in page for my app and would like to present the home screen in a way that the user can not go back. In Swift UI how do I present it so the new view does not present in a card like style? I know this presenting style is now default for iOS 13.


import SwiftUI

struct Test : View {
    var body: some View {
        PresentationButton(Text("Click to show"), destination:   Extra()  )



使用 NavigationViewNavigationButton 并隐藏目标视图的导航栏的后退按钮.

Use a NavigationView with a NavigationButton and hide the destination view's navigation bar's back button.


struct ContentView : View {
    let destinationView = Text("Destination")
        .navigationBarItem(title: Text("Destination View"), titleDisplayMode: .automatic, hidesBackButton: true)

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            NavigationButton(destination: destinationView) {
                Text("Tap Here")


您还可以通过执行 let destinationView = Text("Destination").navigationBarHidden(true) 来完全禁用目标视图的导航栏.

You can also disable the destination view's navigation bar altogether by doing let destinationView = Text("Destination").navigationBarHidden(true).


08-31 02:50