



我有一个 TextView ,它利用了 android:lineSpacingMultiplier 属性来增加行之间的间距,除了我添加 ImageSpan时,效果还不错到文本.

I have a TextView which makes use of the android:lineSpacingMultiplier attribute to increase the spacing between lines, which works fine except for when I add an ImageSpan to the text.


This causes the image to be aligned to the bottom of the space between lines, not the baseline of the text (as is specified when I create it).

我尝试使用 android:lineSpacingExtra 属性,但取得了一些成功,图像的位置仍然低于应有的水平,但幅度不大.是否有另一种方法可以增加行之间的间距而又不会弄乱 ImageSpan 的垂直对齐方式?

I tried using the android:lineSpacingExtra attribute, with some success, the image was still positioned lower than it should be, but not as much. Is there an alternate way of increasing the space between lines without messing up the vertical alignment of the ImageSpan?


构造ImageSpan时,可以指定垂直对齐方式,即 ImageSpan.ALIGN_BOTTOM ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE .我相信ImageSpan默认使用 ALIGN_BOTTOM ,因此请尝试使用允许您指定 ALIGN_BASELINE 的构造函数.

When you construct the ImageSpan, you can specify a vertical alignment, one of ImageSpan.ALIGN_BOTTOM or ImageSpan.ALIGN_BASELINE. I believe ImageSpan uses ALIGN_BOTTOM by default, so try a constructor that allows you to specify ALIGN_BASELINE.


08-31 00:48