

据我了解, justify-items justify-self 使用CSS属性在CSS网格布局中,在Flexbox布局中没有任何作用(相似,但不同的 justify-content 属性).确实,MDN在文档中对justify-itemsjustify-self都说

From what I know, the justify-items and justify-self CSS properties are used in CSS Grid layouts, and don't have any effect in Flexbox layouts (unlike the similarly-named but different justify-content property). Indeed, MDN says in the docs for both justify-items and justify-self that

,并在 Flexbox中的框对齐页面.

然而, justify-items 文档列出了这两个可能的值:

And yet, mysteriously, the justify-items docs list these two possible values:

justify-items: flex-start; /* Pack flex items from the start */
justify-items: flex-end;   /* Pack flex items from the end */


These values also show up as autocomplete suggestions in the developer tools of browsers like Chrome and Firefox if you start setting a justify-items or justify-self property.


Why do these values exist if justify-items and justify-self are ignored in Flexbox layouts? Are they specced? What do they do?


这是错误. justify-itemsjustify-self属性不适用于flexbox.

This is an error. The justify-items and justify-self properties do not apply in flexbox.

考虑您的信息来源: MDN Web文档 (以前是Mozilla开发人员网络).该资源尽管通常有用且可靠,但仍表示二手信息.

Consider your source of information: MDN Web Docs (formerly Mozilla Developer Network). This resource, although normally useful and reliable, nonetheless represents second hand information.

MDN页面上的CSS定义基于W3C官方文档. MDN贡献者(人员)读取,过滤和解释W3C数据以在MDN上呈现.因此,MDN信息容易受到人为错误的影响.这就是这里的问题.

The CSS definitions on MDN pages are based on official W3C documentation. MDN contributors (people) read, filter and interpret W3C data for presentation on MDN. As a result, MDN info is subject to human error. That's the problem here.


If you go directly to the spec, you'll find the correct information:

此属性为所有 参与该盒子的子盒子(包括匿名盒子) 格式化上下文.

This property specifies the default justify-self for all of the child boxes (including anonymous boxes) participating in this box’s formatting context.


Okay. So let's go to justify-self.


Applies to: block-level boxes, absolutely-positioned boxes, and grid items


As noted, justify-items and justify-self do not apply to flex items.

还请注意,justify-itemsjustify-self适用于多个Box模型,而不仅仅是CSS Grid.有关更多详细信息,请参见 CSS盒子对齐模块规范.

Also note that justify-items and justify-self are applicable to multiple box models, not just CSS Grid. For more details see the CSS Box Alignment Module specification.


08-31 00:46