

我正在尝试使SVG XML文档混合使用行和简短的文本片段(通常为两个或三个单词).我遇到的主要问题是使文本与线段对齐.

I am trying to make SVG XML documents with a mixture of lines and brief text snippets (two or three words typically). The major problem I'm having is getting the text aligning with line segments.

对于水平对齐,我可以将text-anchorleftmiddleright结合使用.我找不到等效的垂直对齐方式. alignment-baseline似乎没有做到这一点,所以目前我正在使用dy="0.5ex"作为中心对齐的摇杆.

For horizontal alignment I can use text-anchor with left, middle or right. I can't find a equivalent for vertical alignment; alignment-baseline doesn't seem to do it, so at present I'm using dy="0.5ex" as a kludge for centre alignment.


Is there a proper manner for aligning with the vertical centre or top of the text?


事实证明,您不需要显式的文本路径. Firefox 3仅部分支持垂直对齐标记(请参阅此线程).似乎主要基准线仅在作为样式应用时才有效,而文本锚可以是样式或标签属性的一部分.

It turns out that you don't need explicit text paths. Firefox 3 has only partial support of the vertical alignment tags (see this thread). It also seems that dominant-baseline only works when applied as a style whereas text-anchor can be part of the style or a tag attribute.

<path d="M10, 20 L17, 20"
      style="fill:none; color:black; stroke:black; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="black" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="27" y="20" style="dominant-baseline: central;">

<path d="M60, 40 L60, 47"
      style="fill:none; color:red; stroke:red; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="red" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="60" y="70" style="text-anchor: middle;">

<path d="M60, 90 L60, 97"
      style="fill:none; color:blue; stroke:blue; stroke-width:1.00"/>
<text fill="blue" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="16"
      x="60" y="97" style="text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: hanging;">
  Bit of Both


This works in Firefox. Unfortunately Inkscape doesn't seem to handle dominant-baseline (or at least not in the same way).


08-31 00:39