本文介绍了图像对齐(来自html)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 这是html小组的一个小组,因为那里的主题被认为是 。 我想知道为什么(一半)平方图像没有在Internet Explorer的文本右边对齐(使用< img ... align =" right" /> 。 我认为即使在IE中也支持这种功能。在FF和Opera中它工作正常。 http://www.roderik.net/2008/05/25/ro...e-vienna-2008/ br /> 请不要担心 验证器中的几个javascript错误(非CDATA)。 Mucht感谢任何建议。Hi,This is a folluw-up from the html group because it was consideredoff-topic there.I am wondering why (half of the) squared images are not aligned on theright of the text in Internet Explorer (using <img ... align="right" />.I thought this was supported even in IE. In FF and Opera it works fine. http://www.roderik.net/2008/05/25/ro...e-vienna-2008/Please don''t bother about the few javascript errors (non-CDATA) in thevalidator.Mucht thanks for any suggestions.推荐答案 CSS: ..imgleft { 浮动:左; } ..imgright { float:right; } HTML: < p> < span class =" imgright"> < img height =" 99"边界=" 2英寸宽度= QUOT; 99" alt =" to siemens building with robots" src =" http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbtosiemens(1).jpg"> < / span 在照片上你可以看到我们开发乐高车辆的一些镜头 in ... < / p> < p> < span class =" imgleft"> < img height =" 99"边界=" 2英寸宽度= QUOT; 99" alt =" Cheakith Chandranna和 water?" src =" http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbmralcohol.JPG"> < / span> 周五我们拿了飞往布拉迪斯拉发的飞机(价格便宜),... < / p> - -bts -朋友不要让朋友驾驶WindowsCSS:..imgleft {float: left;}..imgright {float: right;}HTML:<p><span class="imgright"><img height="99" border="2" width="99" alt="to siemens building withrobots" src="http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbtosiemens(1).jpg"></spanOn the photos you can see some shots of us developing our LEGO vehiclesin ...</p><p><span class="imgleft"><img height="99" border="2" width="99" alt="Cheakith Chandranna withwater?" src="http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbmralcohol.JPG"></span>On Friday we took the plane to Bratislava (that was cheaper), ...</p>---bts-Friends don''t let friends drive Windows CSS: .imgleft { float:left ; } .imgright { 浮动:正确; } HTML: < p> < span class =" imgright"> < img height =" 99"边界=" 2英寸宽度= QUOT; 99" alt =" to siemens building with robots" src =" http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbtosiemens(1).jpg"> < / span 在照片上你可以看到我们开发乐高车辆的一些镜头 in ... < / p> < p> < span class =" imgleft"> < img height =" 99"边界=" 2英寸宽度= QUOT; 99" alt =" Cheakith Chandranna和 water?" src =" http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbmralcohol.JPG"> < / span> 周五我们拿了飞往布拉迪斯拉发的飞机(价格便宜),... < / p>CSS:.imgleft { float: left;}.imgright { float: right;}HTML:<p><span class="imgright"><img height="99" border="2" width="99" alt="to siemens building withrobots" src="http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbtosiemens(1).jpg"></spanOn the photos you can see some shots of us developing our LEGO vehiclesin ...</p><p><span class="imgleft"><img height="99" border="2" width="99" alt="Cheakith Chandranna withwater?" src="http://www.roderik.net/lib/img/thumbmralcohol.JPG"></span>On Friday we took the plane to Bratislava (that was cheaper), ...</p> 是的我知道(如果我自己编码,通常会这样做)但是我想要使用自动生成的对齐= left和align = right 编辑器生成的属性。因此,如果 可能,则不会对HTML本身进行任何更改。Yes I know that (and usually do it that way if I code it myself) but Iwanted to use the automatically generated align=left and align=rightattributes generated by the editor. So no changes to the HTML itself ifpossible. 不,不是。你开始了一个新的主题,显然是你在那里找到了借口后,声称你的帖子与HTML有关, 尽管已被反驳(参考非CSS 渲染)。No it isn''t. You started a new thread, apparently after you deciced topost an excuse there, claiming that your posting was HTML related,despite that having been disproved (by a reference to non-CSSrendering). 在做完作业之前,没有人应该为这个问题烦恼。 在前面的讨论中解释过。 在你有线索之前,请不要修复你伪造的From字段。感谢 提前。 - Jukka K. Korpela(Yucca) http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/Nobody should bother with the problem before you do your homework asexplained in the previous discussion.Please do not fix your forged From field before you have a clue. Thankyou in advance.--Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca") http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/ 这篇关于图像对齐(来自html)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-31 00:37