当处理器被认为是 32 位还是 64 位时?我想检查 PC 是 32 位还是 64 位处理器.那么如何在 vb6 代码中检查它呢?当我在研究它时,我发现我应该检查 SYSTEM_INFO.当我根据它检查时,我的 Windows 8 pc 返回为 32 位.但是当我检查计算机属性时,它显示基于 x64 的处理器.这是代码的一部分
When a processor is considered 32 bit or 64 bit? I want to check whether a PC is having 32 bit or 64 bit processor. So how can i check it in a vb6 code?While i was researching about it i got that i should check wProcessorArchitecture in SYSTEM_INFO. When i check according to it my windows 8 pc is returned as 32 bit.But when i check in computer properties it shows x64 based processor.here is a part of code
Option Explicit
Private Type SYSTEM_INFO
wProcessorArchitecture As Integer
wReserved As Integer
dwPageSize As Long
lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long
lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long
dwActiveProcessorMask As Long
dwNumberOfProcessors As Long
dwProcessorType As Long
dwAllocationGranularity As Long
wProcessorLevel As Integer
wProcessorRevision As Integer
End Type
Private Declare Sub GetNativeSystemInfo Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)
'Constants for GetSystemInfo and GetNativeSystemInfo API functions (SYSTEM_INFO structure)
Private Const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 As Long = 9 'x64 (AMD or Intel)
Private Const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 As Long = 6 'Intel Itanium Processor Family (IPF)
Private Const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN As Long = &HFFFF& 'Unknown architecture
Public Function IsOS64Bit() As Boolean
On Error GoTo ProcError
Dim typ_si As SYSTEM_INFO
Call GetNativeSystemInfo(typ_si)
If (typ_si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) Or (typ_si.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64) Then
IsOS64Bit = True
MsgBox "64 bit"
IsOS64Bit = False
MsgBox "32 bit"
MsgBox typ_si.wProcessorArchitecture
End If
Debug.Print "Exiting Function m_OS64.IsOS64Bit()"
Exit Function
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "An error occured in m_OS64.IsOS64Bit()"
Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume ProcClean
End If
End Function
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call IsOS64Bit
End Sub
不返回处理器的架构.相反,它返回操作系统的架构.IE.在 32 位版本的 Windows 中调用它时总是得到32 位".
does NOT return architecture of a processor. Instead it returns architecture of operating system. I.e. you always get "32 bit" when calling it in 32-bit version of Windows.
来自您在问题中引用的 MSDN 文章:
From MSDN article you referenced in the question:
The processor architecture of the installed operating system. This member can be one of the following values.
有关如何确定 CPU 架构的信息,请参阅此问题:检查操作系统和处理器是 32 位还是 64 位?
See this question for info on how to determine architecture of CPU: check OS and processor is 32 bit or 64 bit?
这篇关于检查处理器是 32 位还是 64 位的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!