



C/C ++中是否有一种方法可以在任何位置将char数组强制转换为int?

Is there a way in C/C++ to cast a char array to an int at any position?


I tried the following, bit it automatically aligns to the nearest 32 bits (on a 32 bit architecture) if I try to use pointer arithmetic with non-const offsets:

unsigned char data[8];
data[0] = 0; data[1] = 1; ... data[7] = 7;
int32_t p = 3;
int32_t d1 = *((int*)(data+3));  // = 0x03040506  CORRECT
int32_t d2 = *((int*)(data+p));  // = 0x00010203  WRONG


  • 如评论中所述,输入为3的元组,而我不能改变它.
  • 我想将3个值转换为一个int以作进一步处理处理,并且此转换应尽可能快.
  • 解决方案不必是跨平台的.我正在与一个非常特定的编译器和处理器,因此可以假定它是32具有大字节序的位架构.
  • 结果的最低字节对我来说无关紧要(请参阅上文).


My main questions at the moment are: Why has d1 the correct value but d2 does not? Is this also true for other compilers? Can this behavior be changed?



No you can't do that in a portable way.

在C和C ++中,尝试将 char * 强制转换为 int * 时遇到的行为都是未定义您已经发现: int 可能在4个字节的边界上对齐,并且 data 当然是连续的.)

The behaviour encountered when attempting a cast from char* to int* is undefined in both C and C++ (possibly for the very reasons that you've spotted: ints are possibly aligned on 4 byte boundaries and data is, of course, contiguous.)

( data + 3 有效但 data + p 无效的事实可能是由于编译时间与运行时评估所致.)

(The fact that data+3 works but data+p doesn't is possibly due to to compile time vs. runtime evaluation.)

还请注意,在C或C ++中均未指定 char 的签名,因此您应使用 signed char unsigned char 如果您正在编写这样的代码.

Also note that the signed-ness of char is not specified in either C or C++ so you should use signed char or unsigned char if you're writing code like this.

您最好的选择是使用按位移位运算符(>> << )以及逻辑 | & char 的值吸收到 int 中.如果您要构建具有16或64位 int s的目标,还可以考虑使用 int32_t .

Your best bet is to use bitwise shift operators (>> and <<) and logical | and & to absorb char values into an int. Also consider using int32_tin case you build to targets with 16 or 64 bit ints.


08-31 00:22