本文介绍了向Scene Kit(Swift)添加自定义游戏逻辑的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need to add a game loop to my GameViewController (From the Swift "Game" template for iOS development) in order to create an application and found this reference page explaining how to do this:


However when I try to set the delegate of the SCNView to be the ViewController it throws up warnings and errors (inside viewDidLoad()):

gameView.delegate = self


Where gameView is connected to an SCNView in my storyboard:

@IBOutlet weak var gameView: SCNView!

如果有人可以链接使用Swift和Scene Kit设置游戏逻辑的代码示例,那将是很棒的或者从头开始向我解释。谢谢!

It would be brilliant if someone could link a code example of setting up game logic using Swift and Scene Kit or explain it to me from the ground up. Thank you!



gameView.delegate = self

这需要 self 是一个声明符合 SCNSceneRendererDelegate 协议的类。要使您的视图控制器类声明协议一致性,请使用描述的语法

This requires that self be a class that declares conformance to the SCNSceneRendererDelegate protocol. To make your view controller class declare protocol conformance, use the syntax described in the Swift book:

class ViewController: UIViewController, SCNSceneRendererDelegate  {
    //                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
    //                ^- superclass     ^- protocol              |
    //                   more protocols if you conform to them --/

    // ... rest of class definition ...

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