我使用 fancyBox(v2.1.5),并使用Firefox 35.0.1版和Firebug 2.0.7版.当我打开Firebug窗口时,fancyBox不再起作用.我可以更改任何设置以使其正常工作吗?
I use fancyBox (v2.1.5) and work with Firefox version 35.0.1 and Firebug 2.0.7. When I open the Firebug window fancyBox is not working anymore. Are there any settings I could change to get it to work?
FireQuery 1.4.1与当前版本的Firefox和Firebug 2.0结合使用会导致JavaScript执行问题.*.这也是Firebug常见问题解答中提到的.
FireQuery 1.4.1 is known to cause JavaScript execution problems in combination with current versions of Firefox and Firebug 2.0.*. This is also mentioned in the Firebug FAQ.
As FireQuery development is abandoned, you need to disable/remove it to get your page to work correctly.
请注意,FireQuery功能的一部分已集成在 Events 侧面板中 Firebug 2.0.
Note that part of FireQuery's functionality is integrated within the Events side panel Firebug 2.0.