

我正在尝试构建一个外观和感觉清晰明快的 Kivy 应用程序,但默认的 Kivy UI 与我的想法不完全一致?有什么方法可以创建自定义主题来赋予您的 Kivy 应用风格?

这里的这个应用叫做 Pithon,它是用 Kivy 制作的.我到处搜索,但找不到任何关于开发人员如何管理如此干净外观的信息.有人有什么想法吗?


一位名叫 Andrés Rodríguez 的 kivy 开发人员发布了一组基于 google 材料设计原则的小部件.我目前正在自己​​使用它们,它们肯定使我免于大量工作.您可以在这里找到


Andrés Rodríguez 的 original KivyMD 项目不再维护,但 KivyMD 的分支由 HeaTTheatR.

I am trying to build a Kivy application with a sharp, crisp look and feel but the default Kivy UI is not exactly what I had in mind? Is there any way to create a custom theme to give your Kivy app style?

This app here is called Pithon and it was made from Kivy. I have searched everywhere but I can not find anything on how the developer managed such a clean look. Does anyone have any ideas?


A kivy developer called Andrés Rodríguez released a set of widgets based on google's material design principles. I am currently using them myself and they have surely saved me from alot of work. You can find KivyMD here (see bottom of this answer for more info). Their are some themes also based on the same principles but am yet to try them out one is FlatKivy and another is kivy material ui by Federico Curzel.

Some screenshots for kivyMD,flatkivy and kivy material ui respectively are here.

Click the highlighted links you will find a lot more info about the three projects.


08-30 23:57