页面 url 类似于 /people?search=name
当我使用水豚的 current_path
方法时,它只返回 /people
The page url is something like /people?search=name
while I used current_path
method of capybara it returned /people
current_path.should == people_path(:search => 'name')
expected: "/people?search=name"
got: "/people"
How we can make it pass? Is there is any way to do this?
我已更新此答案以反映水豚的现代惯例.我认为这是理想的,因为这是公认的答案,也是许多人在寻找解决方案时所参考的答案.话虽如此,检查当前路径的正确方法是使用 Capybara 提供的 has_current_path?
I've updated this answer to reflect modern conventions in capybara. I think this is ideal since this is the accepted answer, and what many people are being referred to when looking for a solution. With that said, the correct way to check the current path is to use the has_current_path?
matcher provided by Capybara, as documented here: Click Here
expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path(search: 'name'))
正如您在文档中所见,还有其他选项可用.如果当前页面是 /people?search=name
但你只关心它在 /people
页面上而不考虑参数,你可以发送 only_path
As you can see in the documentation, other options are available. If the current page is /people?search=name
but you only care that it's on the /people
page regardless of the param, you can send the only_path
expect(page).to have_current_path(people_path, only_path: true)
另外,如果你想比较整个 URL:
Additionally, if you want to compare the entire URL:
expect(page).to have_current_path(people_url, url: true)
感谢 Tom Walpole 指出这种方法.
Credit to Tom Walpole for pointing out this method.
这篇关于如何使用 Capybara 获取带有查询字符串的当前路径的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!