

我已经继承了基于栖息地的骨架Sitecore项目(Sitecore 8.2 Update 6),但是当我访问/sitecore网址时,我得到了错误提示:

I've inherited a skeleton Sitecore project based on Habitat (Sitecore 8.2 Update 6) but when I access the /sitecore url I'm getting the error:

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'sc:PlatformFontStylesLink'.

在服务网站的文件夹中,我使用了由新的Sitecore Instance Manager实例提供的web.config(将由人居中心进行转换)

In my folder serving the web site, I've used the web.config as supplied by a new Sitecore Instance Manager instance (this will be transformed by Habitat)

sc:PlatformFontStylesLink是Sitecore本身使用的控件,因此由于某种原因它无法解析服务器标签.我猜这是由于配置问题引起的,但我不确定到底是什么. web.config包含以下行:

sc:PlatformFontStylesLink is a control Sitecore itself uses so for some reason it can't resolve the server tag. I'm guessing this is due to a configuration issue but Im not sure what exactly. The web.config includes this line:

<add tagPrefix="sc" namespace="Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="Sitecore.Kernel" />



Check the version of your sitecore.kernel.dll. Likely it is incorrect.

我已经看到,如果Visual Studio解决方案中的项目引用了错误的Sitecore版本,并且本地复制"设置为true,就会发生这种情况.

I've seen that happen if a project in your visual studio solution is referencing the wrong version of sitecore - and "copy local" is set to true.


  1. 在站点的bin文件夹中恢复sitecore.kernel.dll的正确版本(检查所有sitecore *.*.dlls可能是一个好主意)
  2. 找到有问题的项目-更新参考-并将复制本地"设置为false.

此外-看到您继承了Sitecore网站,并且很可能会遇到更多问题-您是一个更专业的 Sitecore Stack Exchange网站.您可能想签出.

Also - seeing that you inherited a Sitecore site, and are likely to have more questions down the road - thee is a more specialized Sitecore Stack Exchange site. you might want to check out.


08-30 23:10