




I have some preset colors that I'd like to add which goes along with my website's theme. How can I change the default font color palette in TinyMce?

screenshot-with-shadow.png http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/4526/screenshotwithshadow.png


A .一种简单但肮脏的方法是编辑源代码.取文件tiny_mce.js并搜索字符串" 000000,993300,333300,"-这是SplitButton颜色定义的开始.现在,您可以根据需要编辑颜色.这将调整所有ColorSplitButton实例的颜色设置.

A. The easy but dirty way is to edit the source code. Take the file tiny_mce.js and search for the string "000000,993300,333300," - this is the start of the color definition of the SplitButton. You may now edit the colors as you like. This will adjust the color setting for all ColorSplitButton instances.


B. An other way, not as dirty as to fiddle with the source code is to adjust the colors after editor initialization. You will need to add the setup parameter to your tinymce configuration (or put it inside one of your own tinymce plugins):

   setup : function(ed) {
      ed.onInit.add(function(ed) {



Be aware that you might want to change other attriubtes of the SplitButton as well (i.e. the title, background color,...)

C.最干净但耗时的解决方案是使用自己的ColorSplitButton开发自己的插件在该控件元素的设置中包含您选择的颜色(请看一下tinymce开发人员版本),有一个名为 ColorSplitButton.js 的文件.这是一些包含颜色设置的代码:

C. The cleanest but time-consuming solution is to develop an own plugin using an own ColorSplitButtoncontaining the colors of your choice in the setting for that control element (have a look at the tinymce developer version) there is a file called ColorSplitButton.js .Here is some code containing the color setting:

    ColorSplitButton : function(id, s, ed) {
        var t = this;

        t.parent(id, s, ed);

         * Settings object.
         * @property settings
         * @type Object
        t.settings = s = tinymce.extend({
            colors : '000000,993300,333300,003300,003366,000080,333399,333333,800000,FF6600,808000,008000,008080,0000FF,666699,808080,FF0000,FF9900,99CC00,339966,33CCCC,3366FF,800080,999999,FF00FF,FFCC00,FFFF00,00FF00,00FFFF,00CCFF,993366,C0C0C0,FF99CC,FFCC99,FFFF99,CCFFCC,CCFFFF,99CCFF,CC99FF,FFFFFF',
            grid_width : 8,
            default_color : '#888888'
        }, t.settings);


08-30 21:45