本文介绍了如何在 UWP 中使用代码模拟 Tab 键按下的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用屏幕上的按钮来执行 Tab 和反向 Tab 的功能.我希望应用程序使用这些其他按钮在 Segment 按钮之间切换,然后用户可以使用 Enter 键选择一个.试图使程序完全可以通过键盘导航.

I am trying to use buttons on the screen to perform the function of Tab and reverse Tab. I want the app to tab through the Segment buttons with these other buttons and then the user be able to select one with the Enter key. Trying to make the program fully navigable by keyboard.

我尝试使用 KeyDown 事件,然后使用定向焦点导航,但我更希望系统模拟 Tab 键按下以跟随 Tab 路径.

I have tried using a KeyDown event and then directional focus navigation, but I am more looking to have the system simulate a tab key press to follow the tab path.


This is the code I have been trying to far as a work around but it isn't exactly the functionality I want.

        private void Grid_KeyDown(object sender, KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
            DependencyObject candidate = null;

            var options = new FindNextElementOptions()
                SearchRoot = WeldPGrid,
                XYFocusNavigationStrategyOverride = XYFocusNavigationStrategyOverride.Projection

            switch (e.Key)
                case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Up:
                    candidate =
                            FocusNavigationDirection.Up, options);
                case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Down:
                    candidate =
                            FocusNavigationDirection.Down, options);
                case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Left:
                    candidate = FocusManager.FindNextElement(
                        FocusNavigationDirection.Left, options);
                case Windows.System.VirtualKey.Right:
                    candidate =
                            FocusNavigationDirection.Right, options);
            // Also consider whether candidate is a Hyperlink, WebView, or TextBlock.
            if (candidate != null && candidate is Control)
                (candidate as Control).Focus(FocusState.Keyboard);

作为最终结果,我希望将模拟的 Tab 按下放在侧面按钮的单击事件或命令中,而不仅仅是使用方向键.对此问题的任何帮助将不胜感激!

As a final result I am looking to put the simulated tab press in a click event or command for the buttons on the side instead of just using the directional keys.Any help with this issue would be much appreciated!



Before we utilize input injection, we have to declare this capability in the application manifest, as it is a non-standard functionality. It is a restricted capability, which means you can safely publish your app into the app store with it, but require approval for store submission.


InjectedInputKeyboardInfo 类将作为键盘输入注入的基础.最重要的属性是 VirtualKey,它指定与输入相关的键.使用 KeyOptions,我们可以指定更多选项,例如模拟按键事件.

private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    InputInjector inputInjector = InputInjector.TryCreate();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        var info = new InjectedInputKeyboardInfo();
        info.VirtualKey = (ushort)(VirtualKey.Tab);
        inputInjector.InjectKeyboardInput(new[] { info });
        await Task.Delay(1000);



InputInjector inputInjector = InputInjector.TryCreate();
 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     var shift = new InjectedInputKeyboardInfo();
     shift.VirtualKey = (ushort)(VirtualKey.Shift);
     shift.KeyOptions = InjectedInputKeyOptions.None;

     var tab = new InjectedInputKeyboardInfo();
     tab.VirtualKey = (ushort)(VirtualKey.Tab);
     tab.KeyOptions = InjectedInputKeyOptions.None;

     inputInjector.InjectKeyboardInput(new[] { shift,tab});

     await Task.Delay(1000);

更新 1


For releasing key, we need set the key option as KeyUp and invoke InjectKeyboardInput again.

InputInjector inputInjector = InputInjector.TryCreate();
 var ctrl = new InjectedInputKeyboardInfo();
 ctrl.VirtualKey = (ushort)(VirtualKey.Control);
 ctrl.KeyOptions = InjectedInputKeyOptions.KeyUp;

 inputInjector.InjectKeyboardInput(new[] { ctrl });

这篇关于如何在 UWP 中使用代码模拟 Tab 键按下的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 18:37