我编写了代码,以了解在搜索列表中的元素时哪个更快.事实证明是二等分的.我不明白什么是bisect算法的复杂性,它使用Van Emde Boas树吗?
I wrote code to understand which of them is faster when it comes to search an element in a list. It turns out to be bisect. What I do not understand is what is complexity of bisect algorithm and does it use Van Emde Boas tree?
#python inbuilt list search using 'in' took 0.0702499200317 secs
def mul3():
a = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 42, 55, 65, 69, 95, 96, 101, 156, 199]
for x in a:
if x in a:
print x, "True"
print x, "False"
#using bisect took 0.0649611193601
def mul4():
a = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 42, 55, 65, 69, 95, 96, 101, 156, 199]
import bisect
for x in a:
locate = bisect.bisect_left(a, x)
if locate == len(a) or a[locate] != x:
print False
print True
#using binary search took 0.0651483638284
a = [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 42, 55, 65, 69, 95, 96, 101, 156, 199]
for x in a:
lo = 0
hi = 18
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo+hi)//2
midval = a[mid]
if midval < x:
lo = mid+1
elif midval > x:
hi = mid
print True
lo = hi
参考: http://docs.python.org/library/bisect.html
它使用二进制搜索,从而使其变为O(log n).
It uses binary search, which makes it O(log n).