我想知道Google Chrome的扩展API,是否可以为每个标签提取内存使用情况数据并在弹出窗口中使用它?我知道有这个扩展程序但它只是打开about:memory选项卡。我想也许有一种方法来解析about:memory选项卡并将其用于我的扩展。还是我妄想,这是不可能的?
I was wondering with Google Chrome's extension API, is it possible to extract memory usage data for each tab and use it in a popup? I know there is this extension https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/mmbijkbkjlefoimjopcojbkpnmljahlh but all it does is simply open the about:memory tab. I was thinking maybe there was a way to "parse" the about:memory tab and use it for my extension. Or am I delusional and this is not possible?
There is no such API and chrome:// scheme is forbidden for extensions so you can't parse that page either...
- XMLHttpRequest调用chrome://不允许使用
- 内容脚本不会在chrome下注入://