单击文件名旁边的下载按钮时,我正在从后端获取文件内容.此内容以字节为单位.该文件可以是任何类型.如何将从后端接收的数据转换为文件,并在接收到响应(文件内容)时自动下载.HTML和Angular JS中的新蜜蜂.需要任何指针或建议:)
On click of download button beside name of a file I am getting the file content from backend . This content is in the bytes . The file can be of any type . How to convert the data received from backend to file and download it automatically on receiving response(file Content) .New bee in html and angular js .Any pointers or suggestions needed :)
You will need to have your backend tell your front-end the location of the file, and then the front end can place a link to the file. The backend should probably generate a unique hash name for this file.
只要后端Web服务器配置了正确的mime类型,就可以将实际文件作为Rest GET请求的一部分返回.
The actual file can be returned as part of a Rest GET request as long as the backend webserver has the correct mime types configured.
So in your controller you would call a service to get the file path:
SomeController.$inject = ['$http'];
var SomeController = function($http) {
var self = this;
$http.get('/download-file-path').then(function(path) {
self.path = path;
<div ng-controller='SomeController as vm'>
<a ng-href="{{vm.path}}">Download</a>
当角度调用 GET:/download-file-path
.然后,angular将此路径放在 a
When angular calls GET: /download-file-path
the backend should return the name and path of the file, say something like /download/file-7dje79ae.xml
. Then angular puts this path in the a
link. When the user clicks the download button, the users browser will then make a request to /download/file-7dje79ae.xml
and download the file.
这篇关于使用angular js在前端下载文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!