I am using the jQuery plugin Jcrop. I have an issue with one of the initial setup settings called setSelect.
The property takes in an array with two sets of x and y coordinates (top left corner, and bottom right corner).
<img src="blah" id="cropTool" />
<script type="text/javascript">
setSelect: [
在视觉上这不正是我所期望的。它把同的方式左上角1 /第四裁剪选择到图像(x和y)和的方式进入从图像的底部右侧的图像的右下角的1/4日。像这样的:
Visually this does exactly what I expect. It places a crop selection with the top left corner 1/4th of the way into the image (x and y) and the bottom right corner 1/4th of the way into the image from the bottom right of the image. Like this:
But then when I go to move it, it jumps to this position:
It jumps there immediately, I'm not dragging it there. If I try to drag the default selection it jumps after moving it by one pixel or more. After it jumps I can move it around normally. It's a somewhat minor issue, but it is annoying.
打开了另一个jQuery插件,我用的是被干扰了jcrop定位。一个插件叫做颜色框,加载覆盖弹出窗口是问题。我打电话jQuery.colorbox.resize()之前,我在呼唤jcrop。当jcrop code跑了调整大小,从来没有完全完成。一个解决办法是把jcrop code到的setTimeout()
Turns out another jQuery plugin I was using was interfering with the jcrop positioning. A plugin called colorbox which loads overlay popups was the issue. I was calling jQuery.colorbox.resize() right before I was calling jcrop. When the jcrop code ran the resize was never quite complete. One solution was to put the jcrop code into a setTimeout()
to delay the code for a second. That was hackish solution so I asked another more specific question and got an answer. Turns out another fork of colorbox contains a fix to include a function callback on the resize method so that you can execute code when the resize is complete.
这篇关于jQuery的Jcrop setSelect直观地显示了,但是当点击移动,它跳跃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!