本文介绍了iOS SDK上的Twitter SDK,带有标准UI的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找SDK将Twitter集成到我的iOS应用程序中。我做过研究,似乎MGTwitterEngine是大多数人推荐的。但是,MGTwitterEngine只提供对Twitter API的访问,但不提供对UI的访问。

I am looking for the SDK to integrate Twitter into my iOS App. I have done research, and seem that MGTwitterEngine is what most people recommend. However, MGTwitterEngine only provides access to the Twitter API, but not the UI.


I also looked a few iPhone app with Twitter integration, such as SCVNGR, FriendsAroundMe, Hashable, they all have the same login page. However, I couldn't find out what SDK these apps use.


I wonder whether there is any SDK release (from Twitter would be the best), which includes both the SDK with standard UI implementation, and some demo code.




这些应用程序的登录UI可能是一个UIWebView。我说可能是因为我没有看到你提到的那些应用程序。 Twitter的登录通常在UIWebView中处理,因为Twitter需要OAuth。由于登录是在UIWebView中完成的,因此Twitter实际上提供了该UI。

The login UI for these apps is probably a UIWebView. I say probably because I haven't seen those apps that you've mentioned. The login for Twitter is usually handled in a UIWebView, because Twitter requires OAuth. Since the login is done in a UIWebView, Twitter actually provides that UI.

我建议进行基本的Twitter互动,例如发帖。 ShareKit为您处理UIWebView。 编辑: ShareKit(0.2.1)似乎有一些内存泄漏问题。使用风险由您自己承担。

I would recommend ShareKit for basic Twitter interactions, like posting. ShareKit handles the UIWebView for you. edit: ShareKit (0.2.1) seems to have some memory leak issues. Use at your own risk.

这篇关于iOS SDK上的Twitter SDK,带有标准UI的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 12:39