



你好,我需要添加字段,并用加号和减号删除。每当我添加一个字段时,它都可以正常工作。当我在某个字段中输入内容然后添加另一个字段时,先前的字段将重置。另外,每当我单击减号按钮时,它都会删除所有字段。我希望它一次取一个而不重置其他字段,并且每当我单击减号按钮时,我一直收到Not Not Number(NaN)错误。任何帮助是极大的赞赏。我将在下面显示我的代码。

Hello I need to have fields be added and taken away with plus and minus buttons. Whenever I add a field it works fine. When I enter something into a field then add another field, the previous field resets. Also, whenever I click the minus button it removes all of the fields. I want it to take one away at a time without resetting the other fields and also I keep getting a Not a Number (NaN) error whenever I click the minus button. Any help is greatly appreciated. I'll show my code below.

<input name="+" type="button" id="+" onclick="addInput()" value="+" label="+" />
<input name="-" type="button" id="-" onclick="subtractInput()" value="-" label="-" />

<span id="response"></span>
    var countBox = 1;
    var boxName = 0;

    function addInput() {
        var boxName = "#";
        document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += '<br/><input type="text" id="' + boxName + '" value="' + boxName + '" "  /><br/>';
        countBox += 1;

    function subtractInput() {
        var boxName = "#";
        document.getElementById('response').innerHTML -= '<br/><input type="text" id="' + boxName + '" value="' + boxName + '" "  /><br/>';
        countBox -= 1;




I wrapped your code within a div [and removed the 'response' span]

<div id="container">
    <input name="+" type="button" id="+" onclick="addInput()" value="+" label="+" />
    <input name="-" type="button" id="-" onclick="subtractInput()" value="-" label="-" />


Then changed up your javascript as shown here:

var countBox = 1;

function addInput() {
    var breakNode = document.createElement("br");
    breakNode.className = countBox.toString();

    var input = document.createElement("input");
    input.type = "text";
    input.className = countBox.toString();
    input.value = "#" + countBox.toString();

    var container = document.getElementById('container');

    countBox += 1;

function subtractInput() {
    countBox -= 1;

    // There will be 2 elements: 1 input, 1 br.
    var elements = document.getElementsByClassName(countBox.toString());
    var input = elements[1];
    var br = elements[0];



Let me know if you have problems with it!


I made a cleaner version you can now check out by the way :)


  1. Create Input Element Dynamically
  2. Remove Child Node in HTML

编辑2: 这是您新问题的解决方案:

EDIT 2: Here's the solution to your new question:

首先,我在名称 1 上添加了 ECPartNumber 的第一个输入,并将其 id 更改为1:

First, I added a 1 to the name ECPartNumber of the first input, and changed its id to 1:

<input name="ECPartNumber1" type="text" id="1" value="#" size="10" maxlength="10">

我将id更改为1的原因是因为以下输入具有其 id 从1开始计数,所以我认为这样看起来更好。

The reason I changed the id to 1 is because the following inputs have their ids counting up from 1, so I thought this would look nicer.

接下来,我声明了 var countBox = 1; 放在javascript文件顶部,以便 FrontPage_Form1_Validator 函数可以使用它。

Next, I declared var countBox = 1; at the top of the javascript file so that the FrontPage_Form1_Validator function would be able to use it.

addInput 函数中,我添加了一行以为每个输入创建新名称:

In the addInput function, I added a line to create the new names for each input:

input.name = "ECPartNumber" + countBox.toString();

subtractInput 函数中,添加了一个if语句,以确保您不能删除原始的ECPartNumber输入:

In the subtractInput function, I added an if statement to make sure you couldn't delete the original ECPartNumber input:

if (countBox >= 2) {

最后,在 FrontPage_Form1_Validator 函数我创建了一个for循环,该循环运行每个ECPartNumber的名称以检查它们是否为#或更多:

And finally, in the FrontPage_Form1_Validator function I made a for loop that runs off the names of each ECPartNumber to check if they are "#" or more:

for (var i = 1; i <= countBox; i++) {
    var partNum = "ECPartNumber" + i.toString();
    if (theForm[partNum].value == "#") {
        alert("Please enter a value for the \"EC Part Number\" field. (slot "+i+")");
        return (false);


08-30 12:06