There are several questions about asking how to make a div editable. However one could just use a textarea or input field and make those disabled or readonly. I would guess this would yield better semantics. Even the example given at MDN looks like a plain old input field to me.
我刚刚看过我在标签Wiki 中找到。
I just had a look at an example I found in the tag wiki contenteditable.
这样做的好处是,我可以在可编辑的div中使用标记,但不能在textarea或输入字段中使用标记吗?那么在语义上允许孩子进入文本区域会更正确吗?或者引入一个全新的元素,就像他们对HTML5所做的一样。像 richtextarea
Is the advantage, that I can use markup inside an editable div, but not inside a textarea or an input field? Wouldn't it then be more semantically correct to allow children to a textarea. Or introduce a whole new element like they did a lot with HTML5. Something like richtextarea
您的理论 richtextarea不会存在,因此当人们希望允许用户编写内容(包括格式,表格,图像等)时,他们必须使用可用的内容,而这是contentEditable的元素。
Your theorical "richtextarea" doesn't exist, so when people want to allow the users to write content including formatting, tables, images, etc... they must use what is available and that's an element with contentEditable.
当然,如果您看一个普通的 contentEditable元素会很无聊,那么您必须看一个功能齐全的编辑器,例如CKEditor或TinyMCE,它提供了基于此功能的完整界面。
Of course, if you look at a plain "contentEditable" element it will be boring, so you must look at a full featured editor like CKEditor or TinyMCE that provides a full interface built upon this feature.