







''您可以以编程方式更改组合框的RowSource属性。假设组合框名称为cboTest,其列数= 1,绑定列= 1,RowSourceType =表/查询,以及tblEmployees中的[FirstName]字段:

展开 | 选择 | Wrap | 行号

I have create a combo box, which show all student names in the 1st column, If I want to find name call Jack, I would type the frist few character say JAC, automatically the combo box will point me to the nearest name that start with JAC,

How can I only show those students names that start with JAC..., in the combo box list, and hide the rest of the student names that not start with JAC.


for this better you can use a listview and textbox because if you want to do that in comboBox you have to clear the combo list and there may clearing combo text also.

so, better you can use a listview and textbox

I know how to build this in a List box, but may not suitable in my current form development, would you mind explain what you mean by clea the combo list and combo text.

''You can programmatically change the RowSource Property of the Combo Box. Assuming a Combo Box name of cboTest with Column Count = 1, Bound Column = 1, RowSourceType = Table/Query, and a [FirstName] Field in tblEmployees:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers


08-30 07:39