

本文介绍了Sharepoint 2013搜索不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


问题是Sharepoint Search Service应用程序停留在停止状态,无法将其卸载以重新安装.即使应用了所有建议的可用修复程序,问题仍然存在.这导致搜索功能 不要在所需的Sharepoint中工作.不知道重新安装SharePoint是否可以解决此必需的搜索问题.或者,如果还有其他选择可以解决此问题.

The problem is that the Sharepoint Search Service Application is stuck on stopping and cannot be uninstalled in order to re-install it. The issue persists even after applying all recommended fixes available.  This is causing the search functionality not to work in Sharepoint which is needed.  Not sure if the reinstall of SharePoint will fix this Search issue that is required.  Or if there are other options to get this fixed.  Have you ran into this issue before?



Dig deep to logs and try to find why Search is getting stuck? 

A.通过控制台或使用命令(Stsadm -o osearch14 -动作停止),-动作下一个开始

A. Stop/Starrt search service from console or using commands(Stsadm -o osearch14  -action stop), -Action Start next


B. Delete corrupted search service application. And recreate new SSA. 

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08-30 07:34