


Following on from this question, I now have the following structure:

Wolfie.Core - 包含业务逻辑和放大器;实体,还包含使用构造器注入储存库接口需要访问存储库(如IUserRepository)类。

Wolfie.Core - Contains business logic & entities, also contains repository interfaces (eg IUserRepository) Classes that need to access the repository are using constructor injection.

Wolfie.Data - 参考Wolfie.Core并具有实施IUserRepository一个UserRepository

Wolfie.Data - References Wolfie.Core and has a UserRepository implementing IUserRepository


So I'm happy with this so far. Core doesn't know anything about data implementation and therefore isn't dependent on anything.


The stumbling block I get to is in my Web layer.


My Web project references my Core project. I can then new up a Core class, say User, but I have to pass a concrete implementation of IUserRepository into it. So I need to reference my Data project in my Web project, which seems wrong. It now also looks like Web is dependent upon Data, which it shouldn't be.


So, how can I inject my Core User class with the Data class withouth directly referencing Data?




You can bind to interfaces in your main application code, referencing only the contract assembly (the "Core" assembly). Then use reflections to load your dependencies at runtime and inject the concrete classes.


There are a few problems that need to be solved:

  • 您如何找到需要的组件?

  • 您应该使用什么具体的类,一旦你发现你的组件?

  • 您将如何松散配置您的应用程序使用这些组件和那些具体的类?你不想简单地改变你的硬件codeD集引用和具体类的引用是硬codeD组装和类名字符串...


These problem can be solved in many different ways, and are one of the main differentiating factors between different Dependency Injection libraries.

有些使用的顶级配置code或配置code模块(例如)一些使用XML配置(例如),有的采用的自动发现机制的基础属性/公约(例如 /的),以及一些使用所有这些的组合(例如的)。

Some use top-level configuration code or configuration code modules (for example NInject), some use XML configuration (for example Unity), some use an automatic discovery mechanism based attributes/conventions (for example MAF/MEF), and some use a combination of all of these (for example Castle.Windsor).


Most or all those libraries support each mechanism, but I've mentioned the most prominent focus.


08-30 07:33