



我知道动态参数和动态扩展选项参数插件。我正在寻找一种方法,将github中目录中的文本文件列为下拉列表参数。是否有一个groovy脚本或类似的,可以用文件名填充下拉菜单? 您可以使用来获取给定回购商给定路径的文件列表。 ratpack-groovy / src / main / java / ratpack / groovy ,你可以这样做:

  import groovy.json。* 

def contents = new JsonSlurper().parse('https://api.github.com/repos/ratpack/ratpack/contents/ratpack- groovy / src / main / java / ratpack / groovy'.toURL())
.sort {it.type} //目录首先
.collect {it.name +(it.type ==' dir'?'/':'')} //放一个斜线在目录的末尾

assert contents = ['处理/',
'server /',
'sql /',
'template /',


I'm aware of the Dynamic Parameter and Dynamic Extended Choice Parameter plugins. I'm looking for a way to list of text files in a directory in github as drop down list parameter. is there a groovy script or similar that can populate the dropdown with file names?


You can use the github api to fetch a list of files for a given path on a given repo.

So for example, to look inside the ratpack-groovy/src/main/java/ratpack/groovy folder of the ratpack project on github, you can do:

import groovy.json.*

def contents = new JsonSlurper().parse('https://api.github.com/repos/ratpack/ratpack/contents/ratpack-groovy/src/main/java/ratpack/groovy'.toURL())
    .sort { it.type } // Directories first
    .collect { it.name + (it.type == 'dir' ? '/' : '') } // Put a slash on the end of directories

assert contents = ['handling/',

Obviously you can only make 60 requests per hour


08-30 07:27