

本文介绍了ESC POS命令ESC *用于在打印机上打印位图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想使用ESC POS命令ESC *打印位图徽标文件.以下是该命令的技术文档的链接.

I want to print a bitmap logo file with ESC POS command ESC*.Following is the link for technical documentation of the command.



According to me, the printer requires the image data in the form of 1s and 0s. So, it prints a dot, with the occurrence of 1 and blank, with the occurrence of 0.But I am not able to figure out how to send multi line bit image data with the help of above command, since the command accepts only the image data in the horizontal direction. Please help me with the problem.


ESC *是ESC/POS中几个位图"命令之一.它接受列格式"数据,该数据只能代表8像素或24像素的单行.因此,这里有两个不错的选择.

ESC * is one of several "bit image" commands in ESC/POS. It accepts "column format" data, which can only represent a single line of either 8 or 24 pixels. So there are two good options here.


It sounds like you are able to print one line, so I will assume that the data format itself is not an issue.


You can print multiple lines by simply repeating the command to print the extra lines, separated by line breaks \n. This requires chopping up the image, and padding it with whitespace so that it is a multiple of 8 or 24 pixels in height (again, due to the format).


Because of line spacing, you need to issue a command to change the size of line feeds during the image print, then another command to reset them at the end.

我将ESC 3 0x10用于16个单位的换行符(字节0x1b 0x33 0x10)和ESC 2(字节0x1b 0x32)进行重置.

I use ESC 3 0x10 for 16-unit line feeds (bytes 0x1b 0x33 0x10) and ESC 2 (bytes 0x1b 0x32) to reset.


This method of printing has excellent compatibility with old printers, but you can get some thin horizontal lines in the output.

此位图命令接受不同的栅格格式"数据.我利用了这样一种事实,即这种格式的blob与广泛实施的 PBM 中的二进制数据相同. a>位图格式(特别是带有P4标头的文件中的二进制数据).

This bit image command accepts the different "raster format" data. I make use of the fact that the blob in this format is identical to the binary data in the widely implemented PBM bitmap format (specifically the binary data in files with the P4 header).


The height of the image will be limited by your print buffer size, but could go up to 65535 pixels. The width must be divisible by 8 because of the representation.

旁注::这些片段摘录了现在出现在流行的开源 escpos-php python-escpos 库.使用现有库有很多好处,如果可以选择,则应考虑使用它.

Side note: These snippets the actual prototypes of the image processing code that now appears in the popular open source escpos-php and python-escpos libraries. Using an existing library has a number of benefits, and you should consider it if it's an option.

这篇关于ESC POS命令ESC *用于在打印机上打印位图的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 07:12