

vLookUp函数的第一个参数是给我一个excel文件,我想用vLookUp函数映射一些值。头痛:该函数与某些值(用手写的文本格式)工作...但不适用于预先生成的值(相同的...但从ERP系统生成..)。我检查,以确保我正在寻找相同的性质值(文本与文本)...但我不明白为什么前3个值(手工输入)罚款...但最后3(预生成)给了我一个#N / A错误:它必须是格式的差异..但我不能找出差异在哪里...

  1008600 379.99 1008600 379.99 
1008601 379.99 1008601 379.99
1010600 449.99 1010600 449.99
1010601 449.99 1010601#不适用
1013600 489.99 1013600#不适用
1014601 509.99 1014601#不适用
1015600 569.99
1018603 679.99
1019600 809.99



使用此公式将解决突出显示的问题by RocketDonkey

= VLOOKUP(TEXT(D1,#),$ A $ 1:$ B $ 219,2,FALSE)

I am working with an excel file and I am trying to "map" some values with the vLookUp function.

The first parameter of the vLookUp function is giving me headaches: The function works with certains values (typed by hand in a text format)...but doesnt work with pre-generated values (the sames ones...but generated from an ERP system..). I checked to make sure that I was looking for "same nature" values ( text vs text ) ...but I can't find out why the first 3 values (typed by hand) are fine... but the last 3 (pre generated) gives me a #N/A error: It has to be a difference of "format" ..but I can't find out where's the difference...

This is the formula used: =VLOOKUP(D1;$A$1:$B$219;2;FALSE)

The actual file

1008600 379.99      1008600 379.99
1008601 379.99      1008601 379.99
1010600 449.99      1010600 449.99
1010601 449.99      1010601 #N/A
1013600 489.99      1013600 #N/A
1014601 509.99      1014601 #N/A
1015600 569.99
1018603 679.99
1019600 809.99

Thank you !


Using this formula will address the issue highlighted by RocketDonkey



08-30 06:38