





LINQ to SQL并不真正适合与分布式应用程序一起使用.更改跟踪和延迟加载是与数据库关联的DataContext的一部分,因此无法跨线传输.您可以跨线移动L2S实体,对其进行修改,将它们移回并通过将它们重新连接到DataContext来更新数据库,但这非常有限,并且由于旧值永远都不会保留,因此您将丢失所有并发检查.


Within an n-tier app that makes use of a WCF service to interact with the database, what is the best practice way of making use of LinqToSql classes throughout the app?

I've seen it done a couple of different ways but they seemed like they burned a lot of hours creating extra interfaces, message classes, and the like which reduces the benefit you get from not having to write your data access code.

Is there a good way to do it currently? Are we stuck waiting for the Entity Framework?


LINQ to SQL isn't really suitable for use with a distributed app. The change tracking and lazy loading is part of the DataContext which is tied to the database so cannot travel across the wire. You can move L2S entities across the wire, modify them, move them back and update the database by reattaching them to the DataContext but that is pretty limited and you lose all concurrency checks as the old values are never kept around.

BTW I believe the same is true for L2E.


08-30 05:27