



What is the difference between the three properties ?I've been testing the value of them and all what I can say is they are similar. However because I'm a standard freak, I'd like to know if there are some subtlety between them so I can avoid bad coding or being stuck later in some unexpected behavior.



当前正在执行的脚本的文件名,相对于文档根目录.例如,位于地址为 http://example.com的脚本中的$ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF']/test.php/foo.bar 为/test.php/foo.bar. FILE 常量包含当前(即包含)文件的完整路径和文件名.如果PHP作为命令行处理器运行,则此变量包含自PHP 4.3.0起的脚本名称.以前它不可用.

The filename of the currently executing script, relative to the document root. For instance, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] in a script at the address http://example.com/test.php/foo.bar would be /test.php/foo.bar. The FILE constant contains the full path and filename of the current (i.e. included) file. If PHP is running as a command-line processor this variable contains the script name since PHP 4.3.0. Previously it was not available.



包含当前脚本的路径.这对于需要指向自己的页面很有用. FILE 常量包含当前(即包含)文件的完整路径和文件名.

Contains the current script's path. This is useful for pages which need to point to themselves. The FILE constant contains the full path and filename of the current (i.e. included) file.




The URI which was given in order to access this page; for instance, '/index.html'.


08-30 05:14