任何人都可以澄清一下,objective c 中存储的变量究竟在哪里?
Can anyone please clarify me that where exactly the variables stored in objective c ?
在 .h 文件中
@interface example: NSObject
NString *string; // where is this stored
int number; // where is this stored
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSURL* mURL; // where is this stored
在 .m 文件中
# import "xyz.h"
NSString *constant = @"hello"; // where is this stored
@interface example()
NString *textg; // where is this stored
int numb; // where is this stored
@property (nonatomic,strong) NSURL* sURL; // where is this stored
string"、textg"、number"和numb"是类的实例变量.区别在于string"和number"可以公开访问(通过ref->number),而textg"和numb"是私有的(因为其他类通常不#import .m文件).
"string", "textg", "number" and "numb" are instance variables to the class. The difference is that "string" and "number" are eligible to be publicly accessible (via ref->number), and "textg" and "numb" are private (since other classes conventionally do not #import .m files).
mURL"和sURL"属性存储为实例变量_mURL"和_sURL".同样,_mURL"有资格被公开访问(通过 ref->_mURL),而_sURL"不是出于同样的原因.
"mURL" and "sURL" properties are stored as instance variables "_mURL" and "_sURL". Again, "_mURL" is eligible to be publicly accessible (via ref->_mURL), and "_sURL" is not for the same reason.
And, "constant" is an ordinary global variable stored on the heap.
这篇关于Objective C 属性变量和非属性变量的存储的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!