本文介绍了迁移VB.NET 2.0 winform中3.5 WPF的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否有可能迁移VB.NET WinForm的解决方案,以3.5的WPF解决方案。如果是这样,任何建议,该怎么办呢?

Is it possible to migrate a VB.NET Winform solution to a 3.5 WPF solution. If so, any suggestions how to do it?


Thanks in advance!JFV


微软一切为了我们,使我们不得不扔掉,我们已经写了2年前的一切。据乔什 - 史密斯,

Microsoft is doing everything for us so that we have to throw away everything we've written 2 years ago.According to Josh Smith,


没有。这两个用户界面平台有很大的不同,没有应用程序,它把一个WinForms应用程序,以一个WPF应用程序。当然,这会重用你的WinForms使用任何业务/ DAL /日志/ IOC /等库没有prevent你。

No. Those two UI platforms are very different and there is no app which converts a WinForms app to a WPF app. Of course, this will not prevent you from reusing any business/DAL/logging/Ioc/etc libraries you use in WinForms.

不过,您可能想看看这个,很简单,但功能的WinForms - > XAML转换器,从WPF和安培写的罗布Relyea; XAML语言团队。

However, you might want to check out this, quite basic but functional WinForms->XAML converter, written by Rob Relyea from WPF & Xaml Language Team.


According to him, "We (Microsoft) haven't built a real converter because we think most people will not just move over controls, but often will rethink their application as they move it. We'd love feedback..."

此外,您可能想看看Guidance对于从Windows迁移的应用程序由罗布Relyea表格到WPF ,也。

Also, you might want to check out Guidance for migrating an app from Windows Forms to WPF, also by Rob Relyea.

这篇关于迁移VB.NET 2.0 winform中3.5 WPF的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 04:33