


Is this something common to all programming languages? Doing multiple print followed by a println seems faster but moving everything to a string and just printing that seems fastest. Why?


For example, Java can find all the prime numbers up to 1 million in less than a second - but printing then all out each on their own println can take minutes! Up to a 10 billion can hours to print!


package sieveoferatosthenes;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int upTo = 10000000;
        boolean primes[] = new boolean[upTo];
        for( int b = 0; b < upTo; b++ ){
            primes[b] = true;
        primes[0] = false;
        primes[1] = false;

        int testing = 1;

        while( testing <= Math.sqrt(upTo)){
            testing ++;
            int testingWith = testing;
            if( primes[testing] ){
                while( testingWith < upTo ){
                    testingWith = testingWith + testing;
                    if ( testingWith >= upTo){
                        primes[testingWith] = false;

        for( int b = 2; b < upTo; b++){
            if( primes[b] ){
                System.out.println( b );



println is not slow, it's the underlying PrintStream that is connected with the console, provided by the hosting operating system.


You can check it yourself: compare dumping a large text file to the console with piping the same textfile into another file:

cat largeTextFile.txt
cat largeTextFile.txt > temp.txt


Reading and writing are similiar and proportional to the size of the file (O(n)), the only difference is, that the destination is different (console compared to file). And that's basically the same with System.out.


The underlying OS operation (displaying chars on a console window) is slow because

  1. 必须将字节发送到控制台应用程序(应该非常快)
  2. 每个字符都必须使用(通常)真字体显示(这很慢,关闭反锯齿可以提高性能,顺便说一句)
  3. 可能需要滚动显示的区域才能在可见区域中添加新行(最好的情况:位块传输操作,最坏的情况:重新渲染整个文本区域)


08-30 04:16