




My DB returns me a value like 'CJana001' and now i wanted to increment this to 'CJana002' and insert a new row and save in DB(MySql) back, this 'CJana001' is of string type.


Max increment would be limited in a range of 001 to 999,It should not increment after CJana999. and the CJana may vary depending on user selection. the maximum length of the string without numbers is 5 and minimum length is 1.

CJana001可以是C_Lang001或C ++ 001或PHP001等.

CJana001 may anything like C_Lang001 or C++001 or PHP001 etc..


How to handle this in Delphi Programming?



Like you would handle it in any other language as well: start with the last byte and increment it. If it's already the highest then set it to the lowest and repeat your workflow with the byte before. If there is no more byte before, add a new byte in front with the lowest value.

最高"和最低"是可以自由定义的-在 ASCII 世界中(并坚持使用以您的示例为例),我建议使用$ 30 .. $ 39,$ 41 .. $ 5A和$ 61 .. $ 7A.然后,当您标记为 Delphi 时,我将定义一个String常量来保存这些字节,以便您可以轻松地从头至尾进行访问.

"Highest" and "lowest" are freely definable - in an ASCII world (and sticking to your example) I suggest using $30..$39, $41..$5A and $61..$7A. And as you tagged it Delphi I'd define a String constant just holding these bytes so you can easily access them from first to last.


thanks to your clarifications in comments it'd be easier to just do this:

  iNumber: Integer;
  sOld, sNew: String;
  sOld:= 'CJana001';  // Wherever this comes from
  iNumber:= StrToInt( Copy( sOld, Length( sOld )- 2, 3 ) );  // Grab number part
  if iNumber< 999 then Inc( iNumber );  // Prevent overflow
  sNew:= IntToStr( iNumber );
  while Length( sNew )< 3 do sNew:= '0'+ sNew;  // Grow to 3 digits
  sNew:= Copy( sOld, 1, Length( sOld )- 3 )+ sNew;  // Prepend text part


08-30 04:10