



使用EF4.2和Code First(尽管我不得不处理这个正弦的Linq2SQL),我发现自己一直遇到这样的情况:

Using EF4.2 and Code First (although I''ve had to deal with this sine Linq2SQL), I find myself coming across situations like this all the time:

Label1.Text = MyEvent.EventType.Description;




MyEvent is of type Event, and EventType is a navigation property.

This works great unless the EventType is null, because it hasn''t been defined yet. This is part of a form that is filled out over time so many fields and related properties will be null during the process.

At first, I''d write:

Label1.Text = MyEvent.EventType == null ?? "" : MyEvent.EventType.Description;


我建议我应该在Getter中加入一些逻辑,但是我不确定Code First将如何处理它,因此我想避免在类定义中造成混乱,方法是通过私有支持将它们炸开变量和全长属性定义(当前使用自动属性,这使事情变得非常整洁和可读).


This works, but does it make an inelegant mess out of my app code (and it''s a lot of typing, too).

It was suggested to me that I should put some logic in the Getter but I''m not sure how Code First will handle that and I''d like to avoid making a mess out of my class definitions by blowing them up with private backing variables and full-length property definitions (currently using auto-properties which makes things very neat and readable).

My current solution to this problem is to define an extension method on the EventType like so:

public static string GetDescription(this EventType ThisEventType)
    return (ThisEventType == null ? "" : ThisEventType.Description);


so that I can:

Label1.Text = MyEvent.EventType.GetDescription();




It''s clean but the redundancy of .Description and .GetDescription bothers me since it''s just asking to be the kind of bug where using .Description compiles nice and tests out fine in Dev/Test but may blow up in production later when a null rolls through and someone forgot to use .GetDescription.

I''ve thought about using reflection and property names in strings but that''s so asp/ado!

Does anyone else have a nice, clean (and better!) solution to this problem? This is such a common scenario, there should be a nice way to handle it.



08-29 23:45