






$ p $ window.addEventListener(beforeunload,function( e){
var confirmationMessage ='它看起来像你一直在编辑的东西''

e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko + IE
返回confirmationMessage; // Gecko + Webkit,Safari,Chrome等

这种方法的问题在于提交表单也触发卸载事件 STRONG>。这可以通过添加您提交表单的标志来轻松解决:

  var formSubmitting = false; 
var setFormSubmitting = function(){formSubmitting = true; };

window.onload = function(){
return undefined; $ '

$ b var confirmationMessage ='看起来你一直在编辑某些东西。'

(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko + IE
返回confirmationMessage; // Gecko + Webkit,Safari,Chrome等


 < form method =postonsubmit =setFormSubmitting()> 
< input type =submit/>
< / form>



当用户没有更改表单上的任何内容时,您也不希望显示此消息。一种解决方案是将 beforeunload 事件与脏标志结合使用,该标志仅在真正相关时触发提示。

  var isDirty = function(){return false; } 
$ b $ window.onload = function(){
if(formSubmitting ||!isDirty()){
return undefined;

var confirmationMessage ='看起来您正在编辑某些内容'

(e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko + IE
return confirmationMessage; // Gecko + Webkit,Safari,Chrome等

现在执行 isDirty 方法,是各种方法。

您可以使用,但这种方法有一些缺陷。首先,你必须修改代码以使用任何形式( $(form)。each()会做),但最大的问题是jQuery的 serialize()仅适用于已命名的非禁用元素,因此更改任何禁用或未命名的元素都不会触发脏标志。 ,就像使控件只读,而不是启用,序列化,然后再次禁用控件。


  • 不会触发复选框,单选按钮或其他通过鼠标输入进行更改的元素。

  • 会触发不相关的按键,如键。
  • 不会触发通过JavaScript代码设置的值。

  • 不会触发通过上下文菜单剪切或粘贴文本。

  • 不适用于像datepickers或checkbox / radiobutton beautifiers这样的虚拟输入通过JavaScript将其值存储在隐藏的输入中。






如果您的应用程序已经使用jQuery,那么您最好使用经过测试的代码,而不是自己编写代码,并使用第三方库来完成所有这些。 效果很好,请参阅他们的。这很简单:

 < script src =jquery.are-you-sure.js>< /脚本> 

< script>

< / script>


请注意,自2011年以来,,Firefox 4不支持此对话框中的自定义消息。截至上个月,Chrome 51正在推出。


I have some pages with forms in my application.

How can I secure the form in such a way that if someone navigates away or closes the browser tab, they should be prompted to to confirm they really want to leave the form with unsaved data?


Short, wrong answer:

You can do this by handling the beforeunload event and returning a non-null string:

window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
    var confirmationMessage = 'It looks like you have been editing something. '
                            + 'If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.';

    (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //Gecko + IE
    return confirmationMessage; //Gecko + Webkit, Safari, Chrome etc.

The problem with this approach is that submitting a form is also firing the unload event. This is fixed easily by adding the a flag that you're submitting a form:

var formSubmitting = false;
var setFormSubmitting = function() { formSubmitting = true; };

window.onload = function() {
    window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
        if (formSubmitting) {
            return undefined;

        var confirmationMessage = 'It looks like you have been editing something. '
                                + 'If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.';

        (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //Gecko + IE
        return confirmationMessage; //Gecko + Webkit, Safari, Chrome etc.

Then calling the setter when submitting:

<form method="post" onsubmit="setFormSubmitting()">
    <input type="submit" />

But read on...

Long, correct answer:

You also don't want to show this message when the user hasn't changed anything on your forms. One solution is to use the beforeunload event in combination with a "dirty" flag, which only triggers the prompt if it's really relevant.

var isDirty = function() { return false; }

window.onload = function() {
    window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) {
        if (formSubmitting || !isDirty()) {
            return undefined;

        var confirmationMessage = 'It looks like you have been editing something. '
                                + 'If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.';

        (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage; //Gecko + IE
        return confirmationMessage; //Gecko + Webkit, Safari, Chrome etc.

Now to implement the isDirty method, there are various approaches.

You can use jQuery and form serialization, but this approach has some flaws. First you have to alter the code to work on any form ($("form").each() will do), but the greatest problem is that jQuery's serialize() will only work on named, non-disabled elements, so changing any disabled or unnamed element will not trigger the dirty flag. There are workarounds for that, like making controls readonly instead of enabling, serializing and then disabling the controls again.

So events seem the way to go. You can try listening for keypresses. This event has a few issues:

  • Won't trigger on checkboxes, radio buttons, or other elements that are being altered through mouse input.
  • Will trigger for irrelevant keypresses like the key.
  • Won't trigger on values set through JavaScript code.
  • Won't trigger on cutting or pasting text through context menus.
  • Won't work for virtual inputs like datepickers or checkbox/radiobutton beautifiers which save their value in a hidden input through JavaScript.

The change event also doesn't trigger on values set from JavaScript code, so also won't work for virtual inputs.

Binding the input event to all inputs (and textareas and selects) on your page won't work on older browsers and, like all event handling solutions mentioned above, doesn't support undo. When a user changes a textbox and then undoes that, or checks and unchecks a checkbox, the form is still considered dirty.

And when you want to implement more behavior, like ignoring certain elements, you'll have even more work to do.

Don't reinvent the wheel:

So before you think about implementing those solutions and all required workarounds, realize you're reinventing the wheel and you're prone to running into problems others have already solved for you.

If your application already uses jQuery, you may as well use tested, maintained code instead of rolling your own, and use a third-part library for all of this. jQuery's Are You Sure? plugin works great, see their demo page. It's as simple as this:

<script src="jquery.are-you-sure.js"></script>

  $(function() {
        message: 'It looks like you have been editing something. '
               + 'If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.'


Custom messages not supported everywhere

Do note that since 2011 already, Firefox 4 didn't support custom messages in this dialog. As of last month, Chrome 51 is being rolled out in which custom messages are also being removed.

Some alternatives exist elsewhere on this site, but I think a dialog like this is clear enough:


08-29 23:31