有没有办法来保存应用程序状态保存在AIR文件在桌面上(的Flex / AS3)?
Is there a way to save an application state for save files in AIR for the desktop (Flex /AS3)?
You need to make sure all your classes are serializable, then serialize them and save them to a file when exiting the application.
在重新启动应用程序,你反序列化对象 - 实际上实例化的所有对象,然后重新分配他们所有的previous性质
On starting the application again, you deserialize the objects - in effect instantiating all objects and assigning all their previous properties again.
This can be rather hard to retro-fit to an existing application since your code must adhere to a few rules. For instance, your class constructors cannot accept any arguments and your objects must have public properties or they will not be serialized.
这篇文章应该让你加快速度在AS3对象serializaion: http://jacksondunstan.com/articles/ 1642
This article should get you up to speed on object serializaion in as3: http://jacksondunstan.com/articles/1642