


How can I specify the number of rows to display on a single "page" when using DataTables's pagination feature?


对于DataTable 1.10.5和更新的,如,每页显示的行数可以通过源(HTML)表通过 data-page-length 属性:

For DataTables version 1.10.5 and newer, as documented on the blog post announcing the integration of HTML5 data-* attributes, the number of rows to show per page can be specified via the source (HTML) table through the data-page-length attribute:

<table data-page-length='25'>

对于DataTable版本1.10和更新的,如,可以通过 pageLength 属性:

For DataTables version 1.10 and newer, as documented at Reference > Options > pageLength, the number of rows to show per page can be specified via the pageLength attribute:

$('#example').dataTable( {
    "pageLength": 50

对于早于1.10 的DataTable,如,可以通过 iDisplayLength指定每页显示的行数属性:

For DataTables older than version 1.10, as documented at DataTables > Usage > Options > iDisplayLength, the number of rows to show per page can be specified via the iDisplayLength attribute:

$('#example').dataTable( {
    "iDisplayLength": 50

我的两美分:使用 data - * 方法。它允许您进行一个dataTable调用,同时提供选项来配置每个表的行为:

My two cents: use the data-* approach. It allows you to make one dataTable call while providing the option to configure how each individual table behaves:

<table class="apply_dataTable" data-page-length='25'>

<table class="apply_dataTable" data-page-length='50' data-order='[[2, "desc"]]'>

    $('table.apply_dataTable').dataTable(); //one invocation of datatables treats each table they way it wants to be


08-29 22:54