



在阅读了有关SQL Server索引的一些内容以及它们对更新/插入的选择和缺点的性能优势后,我想知道使用不当的索引是否实际上也会损害选择的性能。

after reading some stuff about indices on SQL Server and their performance advantages for selects and disadvantages for updates / inserts, i was wondering if badly used indices could actually also hurt performance for selects.What conditions would have to be fulfilled to have an index decrease performance of a pure select query? Do such situations exist?



(although I always try to include code examples, i can't think of anything that would support this question...)


是的,虽然非常轻微 - 但是会有点微弱有理由也回答否。

Yes, albeit very slightly - so slightly that it would be justified to also answer "No".


If you have an index which might be considered for a query, but is not useable, the optimizer will waste a short time pondering whether and how to use it (in rare cases with REALLY complicated indexes and views, and more frequently when index performance hints are wrong, you might end up choosing a suboptimal query plan).


  • 没有索引的表

  • 一个具有错误选择索引的表,将被丢弃

  • 存在两个索引的表,并且由于某种原因(例如过时的统计信息),第二个索引的存在使优化器选择它,whi使用第一个会更方便。


In the first two cases the query time is the same (and entails a full scan), but in the second, you also have to analyze and discard the index.

索引伤害你 - 所有索引伤害你 - 在插入,删除和更新。然后,更新查询未使用但受其影响的任何索引都需要写入索引本身。

Where an index hurts you - where ALL indexes hurt you - is in inserts, deletes and updates. Then, any index not used by the update query, yet affected by same, will require a write to the index itself.


So you will want to have indexes, but as few as you can without sacrificing SELECT performances. Actually, you might decide against indexing for a rarely used SELECT query in order to avoid having the needed index constantly updated by all other UPDATE queries.


after reading Heinzi's answer, I'd also like to add that most DB servers have maintenance tools which analyze the tables and indexes (and sometimes query performance counters too), and properly update the hints of which Heinzi spoke. So it's also important to periodically "maintain" the database to keep the optimizer supplied with up-to-date information on which indexes to choose from.


There is a very nifty MySQL analysis tool that can actually suggest improvements to the existing indexing (remove unused keys, add useful keys): common_schema. It's really worth a look.


08-29 22:51