

本文介绍了VB6升级到VB 2005失败,找不到它创建的项目文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Help me, oh wise one.

我支持VB6和VB2003中的应用程序,并且我试图将VB6应用程序升级到VB2005,所以我的PC上有三个版本的Visual Studio.我运行VS2005并打开了VB6应用程序以启动升级向导.它似乎运行良好,直到抛出一个错误,表明找不到刚创建的项目.我要升级的项目称为MGxFromSAP.vbp.该错误表明它找不到MGxFromSAP.vbproj.它实际创建的项目文件称为MGxFromSAP.vbproj. vs7.vbproj .当我尝试在VS2005中打开该项目时,它说它是在Visual Studio的早期版本中创建的,需要升级.

I support applications in VB6 and VB2003, and I'm trying to upgrade the VB6 app to VB2005, so I have three versions of Visual Studio on my pc.  I ran VS2005 and opened the VB6 app to launch the upgrade wizard.  It seemed to run fine until it threw an error saying it could not find the project it just created.  The project I'm trying to upgrade is called MGxFromSAP.vbp.  The error said it could not find MGxFromSAP.vbproj.  The project file it actually created is called MGxFromSAP.vbproj.vs7.vbproj.  When I try to open this project in VS2005 it says it was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio and needs to be upgraded.


Did it perhaps invoke the VB2003 upgrade wizard instead of the new one?  How would I be able to tell?


Should I just let VS2005 upgrade the vs7 project or should I try to deinstall the old VS2003 upgrade wizard and rerun the upgrade from scratch?





As this would cause the message that it was created in an earlier version and needs to be upgraded and the fact that it has created the project .MGxFromSAP.vbproj.vs7.vbproj

如果是我,我将使用VB2005升级运行一次从VB6到VB2005的升级,并且不介意中间步骤-因为VB 2003不支持2005年的某些功能,您可能会得到一些奇怪的代码.

If it were me I'd run the upgrade from VB6 to VB2005 once using the VB2005 upgrade and wouldnt bother with the intermediate step - as you might get some strange code as VB 2003 didnt support certain features that are back in 2005.


I cant recall what the VB Conversion program is called but 2003 and 2005 can coexist on the same machine.   So I would guess that the conversion apps could also.    So I wouldnt be too quick to remove 2003 unless of course you dont use it for anything and havent got any project written in it.

这篇关于VB6升级到VB 2005失败,找不到它创建的项目文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 22:44