

本文介绍了为angular-cli v6全局关闭进度显示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


升级到Angular6。现在,我想全局关闭 ng构建的进度显示。但是,有关 ng config 命令的文档似乎已丢失或用尽,似乎已替换了 ng set / get 命令。 -日期。我想我需要执行以下操作:

Upgraded to Angular 6. Now I want to turn progress display off globally for ng build. However, the documentation about the ng config command which apparently replaced ng set/get seems to be missing or out-of-date. I think I need to do the following:

ng config --global some.path.progress false

但是我不知道 some.path 部分需要什么成为。无论我尝试什么,都会收到无效路径错误。

But I can't figure out what the some.path part needs to be. Whatever I try I get an "Invalid path" error.

当然,我也可以只编辑〜/ .angular.json ,如果我知道正确的键层次结构。这不起作用:

Of course I could also just edit ~/.angular.json, if I knew what the right hierarchy of keys was. This doesn't work:

  "version": 1,
  "cli": {
    "defaults": {
      "build": {
        "progress": false

在特定的 angular.json 文件中,<$如果将c $ c> progress 选项放在 build 内的 options 键下,则该选项有效。但是,即使 options 中包含了它,在〜/ .angular.json 文件中也似乎忽略了它。 p>

Within a specific angular.json file, the progress option works if placed under options key inside build. However, it seems to be ignored in the ~/.angular.json file even if included inside options.



You cannot set a build progress option at a global level.


The only CLI options that you can set at a global level are the following. I gleaned this from the code here.

cli.warnings.versionMismatch (boolean)
cli.warnings.typescriptMismatch (boolean)
cli.defaultCollection (string)
cli.packageManager (string)


You can set this option at the project level (as you said in your post). This is the command you would use to do that.

ng config projects['projectname'].architect.build.options.progress false

ng config projects.projectname.architect.build.options.progress false

当然,请将属性设置为 true 以重新打开进度。

Of course, set the property to true to turn progress back on.

这篇关于为angular-cli v6全局关闭进度显示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 22:38