

我将Visual Studio 2013.4与Azure .NET SDK 2.5结合使用:

I use VisualStudio 2013.4 with Azure .NET SDK 2.5 :

  • 文件/新项目:Azure云服务
  • 添加F#WorkerRole
  • F5


The cloud service cannot start in emulator :

    [fabric] Role Instance: deployment25(22).AzureCloudService2.WorkerRole1.0
    [fabric] Role state Unhealthy
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   OnStart(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . COMPLETED OnStart(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   Run(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . COMPLETED Run() ==> ROLE RECYCLING INITIATED: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role instance recycling is starting
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   OnStop(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   OnStopping()
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . COMPLETED OnStop(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   OnStart(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . COMPLETED OnStart(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . CALLING   Run(): Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role entrypoint . COMPLETED Run() ==> ROLE RECYCLING INITIATED: Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.DefaultEntryPoint
    [runtime] Role instance recycling is starting
    [fabric] Role state Unhealthy
    [fabric] Role state Suspended
    [fabric] Role state Busy
    [fabric] Role state Unhealthy
    [fabric] Role state Suspended


It works like a charm with C# Worker Role.




您可能需要手动将FSharp.Core与工作程序项目捆绑在一起(确保CopyLocal为true)或使用FSharp.Core nuget软件包.

You might need to manually bundle FSharp.Core with the worker project (ensure CopyLocal is true) or use the FSharp.Core nuget package.


I've seen this with full deploys but not necessarily with the emulator.

您正在使用哪个版本的Azure SDK/仿真器(和Visual Studio)?

Which version of the Azure SDK / Emulator are you using (and Visual Studio)?


08-29 20:37