




I know that at the time of this writing only Opera supports a browser UI for

<input type="date" name="mydate">

也许我试图本地化这个领域已经遇到了沮丧,因为像本地化这样的好处还没有包含在它们的实现中,但是我甚至没有在HTML5规范中提到它。有没有办法定位本地化?我应该在父元素上做lang =fr吗?

and maybe my attempts to localize this field have been met with frustration because niceties like localization have not yet been included in their implementation, but I don't even see mention of it in the HTML5 spec. Is there a way that localization should be specified? Should I do lang="fr" on a parent element?


Some notes on the implementation of the site in question:

  • 本地化(语言)由用户明确挑选,因为他们正在管理多种语言的数据,并且不太期望用户的浏览器chrome是使用正在查看的语言,浏览器正在提供所需的语言请求标头。

  • 我想确保如果该页面以法语呈现,则浏览器chrome提供的日期选择器会显示对法语有意义的选项。 / li>
  • 计划是回到不支持type =date的浏览器的jQueryUI,我将使用

  • Localization (language) is explicitly picked by the user because they are managing data in multiple languages and it is not reasonable to expect that the user's browser chrome is in the language being viewed or that the browser is providing desired language request headers.
  • I want to be sure that if the page is rendered in French that the date picker provided by browser chrome shows options that make sense for French language.
  • The plan is to fall back to jQueryUI for browsers that do not support type="date", I will use the detection mechanism provided in Dive into HTML 5



From what i know, the thinking behind what we do in Opera (full disclosure: I work for them) is that the date picker is almost an extension of the chrome, a browser-native control. As such, it will be localised according to the language of the browser, rather than the language of the page being viewed.


08-29 19:56