



我对数据库中保存对象感兴趣的原因之一是因为我想数据库可以提供比使用 pickle 更简单的代码。
在我的问题中有人使用 pickle 给了我一段代码,我认为应该有一种保存对象的简单方法。

Can anyone recommend a module or tell me way to get a object database for Python?One of the reason I´m interested in databases to save objects is because I suppose a database can provide a simpler piece of code than use pickle.In my question Saving an Object (Data persistence) someone gave me a piece of code using pickle and I think there should be a simpler way to save objects.


如果您最关心的是代码的简单性,那么 pickle 很难被克服。

If the simplicity of the code is your main concern, pickle is hard to beat.


Basically, all you have to do in order to save an object data is:

with open('data.pickle', 'w') as pickle_file:
    pickle.dump(data, pickle_file)


You can then get it back with:

with open('data.pickle') as pickle_file:
    data = pickle.load(pickle_file)  # You get the data back!

有,如果您需要保存自己的 own 类中的对象,则可能要查看将对象保存到文件中基本上与上面的编写/读取代码一样简单!

There are some technical details that you might want to check out, if you need to save objects from your own classes, but saving objects to a file is basically as simple as the writing/reading code above!


08-29 15:37