


我必须建立一个谓词,以从EF5 AND 过滤器中的已知实体中选择未知数量的列,而其中未知数量的列 ONE 总是子集合中的名称.

I have to build a predicate to select an unknown number of columns from a known entity in EF5 AND filter by an unknown number of columns ONE of which will always be a name from a child collection.


var q = db.Set<Entity>()
          .Where(e => e.Code.Contains("q") || e.Translations.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Culture.ID == "whatever").Description.Contains("q"))
          .Select(e => new
                           Name = e.Translations.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Culture.ID == "whatever").Description


but I'm not sure how to approach building the predicate for the expression

e.Translations.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Culture.ID == "whatever").Description.Contains("q")


The columns to select and the fields to filter on are supplied as an array of strings, and in this instance the filter is always contains.


I'm familiar with building predicates, that's not the issue, it's more I've never had to look into child collections before and I'm at a total "WTF" point of the day :-)


Any and all pushes in the right direction would be most appriciated.


一种方法可能是使用DynamicLinq.参见 http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx

One approach might be to use DynamicLinq. See http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2008/01/07/dynamic-linq-part-1-using-the-linq-dynamic-query-library.aspx


If you look at the third query down, you should be able to do something like:

.Where("Culture.ID = 'whatever'") //Conditions defined as string as per example
.FirstOrDefault() //etc.

关于select an unknown number of columns from a known entity in EF5 AND filter by an unknown number of columns,可以在使用字符串之前使用构建字符串所需的任何表达式.对于包含"子句,它有点复杂-请参阅此处描述的方法-

Regarding select an unknown number of columns from a known entity in EF5 AND filter by an unknown number of columns, you could use whatever expression is required to build your string prior to using it. For the 'contains' clause it is a bit more complex - please see the methods described here - How to write String.Contains in Dynamic Linq


I haven't actually tested this as I don't have access to EF5, but it looks like there are EF5 based questions for DynamicLinq (so it should work) - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9929396/entity-framework-5-0-performance-with-dyanmic-linq

此外,我应该指出,我更愿意为此目的使用PredicateBuilder,但我相信您将无法不事先知道字段名称/使用某种形式的反射(请参阅).也值得肯定这个答案( https://stackoverflow.com/a/2497335/201648 )方法.

Also, I should point out that I would prefer to use PredicateBuilder for this purpose, but I believe you will be unable to without knowing the fieldnames in advance/using some sort of reflection (see Using Dynamic Column Names in a Linq Query). It is also worth acknowledging this answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/2497335/201648) which suggests the above approach.

此外,也可以使用lambda设置字段的条件规则,如下所述: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28580/LINQ-and-Dynamic-Predicate-Construction-at-Runtime

Also, it is possible to setup conditional rules for fields using lambdas as described here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/28580/LINQ-and-Dynamic-Predicate-Construction-at-Runtime

// use tryparse to make sure we don't run a bogus query.
if (cbxUseEmployeeID.Checked &&
    int.TryParse(filterEmployeeId.Text, out emplId) &&
    emplId > 0) {

    // here's how simple it is to add a condition to the query.
    // Still not executing yet, just building a tree.
    predicate = predicate.And(e => e.EmployeeID == emplId);


This would still require you to know the possible set of fields as far as I can see (I still think its cool and worth a mention).


08-29 15:30