


I recently needed to build C# specific name (which must always include global:: specifier) for an arbitrary type and have come accross following issue:

// 1 - value: System.String[,,,][,,][,]
string unexpectedFullName = typeof( string[,][,,][,,,] ).FullName;

// 2 - value: System.String[,][,,][,,,]
string expectedFullName = Type.GetType( "System.String[,][,,][,,,]" ).FullName;


I was expecting that returned value would be same in both cases. However, for some reason the array related part of the value seems to be reversed (case 1). Is this reversal expected behavior?


尽管通过的和C#类型标识符有时碰巧是相同的,这是不能保证。请记住, Type.FullName 不管什么CLI语言是从所谓的返回值相同,无论是C#,VB.NET,OXYGENE或其他任何东西。

While the value returned by Type.FullName and the C# type identifier sometimes happen to be the same, this is not guaranteed. Keep in mind that Type.FullName returns the same value regardless of what CLI language it is called from, be it C#, VB.NET, Oxygene or anything else.

有关多维数组和交错数组,C#语法列出都写在后面的顺序指数,而反射语法返回该数组的逻辑结构相匹配的东西。和(C#)字符串[,] [,,] [,,,] 毕竟,类型的值字符串,其4维​​数组(即字符串[,,,] ),其3维数组(即字符串[ ,,,] [,,] )及其二维阵列(即字符串[,,,] [,,] [,] )。

For multidimensional and jagged arrays, C# syntax lists the indices in the order they are written later on, while reflection syntax returns something that matches the logical structure of the array. And a (C#) string[,][,,][,,,] is, after all, a value of type string, thereof a 4-dimensional array (i.e. string[,,,]), thereof a 3-dimensional array (i.e. string[,,,][,,]) and thereof a 2-dimensional array (i.e. string[,,,][,,][,]).


Rather than relying on the reflection syntax name returned by FullName, you might want to examine the properties of the Type class when analyzing types. Information such as the number of dimensions or the generic arguments can be retrieved from there.


When constructing types, you can also use methods such as MakeArrayType or MakeGenericType to create complex types at runtime without constructing a string that contains the ingredients for the new types.

一些这个答案的内容,指出通过出 - 谢谢你

Some of the contents of this answer was pointed out by Marc Gravell - thank you!


08-29 09:17