



I will have to work on code for a JSP that will demand a lot of code fixing and testing. This JSP will receive a structure of given objects, and render it according to a couple of rules.


What I would like to do, is to write a "Test Server" that would read some mock data out of a fixtures file, and mock those objects into a factory that would be used by the JSP in question.

目标App Server是WebSphere,我想编写代码,进行更改以测试适当的HTML呈现.我过去做过类似的事情,但JSP部分只是在渲染对象上调用方法,因此我创建了一个Ad Hoc HTTP服务器,该服务器可以读取Fixture文件,对其进行解析并呈现HTML.

The target App Server is WebSphere and I would like to code, change, code in order to test appropriate HTML rendering. I have done something similar on the past, but the JSP part was just calling a method on a rendering object, so I created an Ad Hoc HTTP server that would read the fixture files, parse it and render HTML.


All I had to do was run it inside RAD, change the HTML code and hit F5.


So question pretty much goes down to: Is there any stand alone library or lightweight server (I thought of Jetty) that would take a JSP, and given the correct contexts (Request, Response, Session, etc.) render the proper HTML?


我从没有使用过JSP,但是我已经 OOWeb .它绝对是轻量级的,并且遵循请求/响应模型,但是您将很难在没有很多胶水的情况下将其与JSP连接.

I've never used JSPs, but I have played around with OOWeb. It's definitely lightweight, and follows the request/response model, but you'll be hard pressed to connect it with your JSPs without a lot of glue.

此处列出了几个轻量级容器.似乎正在积极开发小型Java Web服务器.不幸的是,没有太多可用的文档.

A couple lightweight containers are listed here. It looks like Tiny Java Web Server in particular is actively being developed. Unfortunately there's not much documentation available for it.


08-29 09:04